From Failure to Fabulous: The Power of Painting in Layers!
Have you ever wondered what happens to the paintings that just don't work out, the ones that turn into a big muddy mess, the pieces that I knock bottles of ink on top of or accidentally glue to the table?
They don't get tossed out; they get to go on an even longer art adventure. They get reinvented and revived with new layers.
I have a new series dedicated to this special breed of painting. I've called it "Bold & Brave" as these paintings are the courageous ones, the ones that hung in there even when the going got tough.
These paintings are the rebels, the misfits, the ones that never wanted to be like the others. The paintings that stayed on the path, even when the path went into scary unknown territory.
I have three of these paintings that are ready for their next adventure. If you would like to give one of these paintings a home, click on the photo gallery below for more details. I'll be adding more pieces to this series over time, as for every painting that is born with ease, there are many that overcome adversity and take their time before they boldly and bravely arrive.