The Pausecast - Taking a Break to Save Our Sanity

Laura Horn Art - The Pausecast


Why is it so hard to take a break? For the past few weeks, Richie and I have been debating the idea of taking a break from the podcast. It’s brought up a lot of fear in both of us.

Will it be detrimental to our business? Are we letting down our listeners? What happened to being consistent?

It took a bit of time, but eventually, we let go of our fears and focused on the positives. More energy! New ideas! Fresh enthusiasm! With that in mind, we agreed to take September off to relax and go slow. The thing is, I am not all that good at relaxing. Richie: Yes. Me, not so much.

With a bit of free time on my hands, I decided to go look at some houses. You can guess what happened next. Yep, offer accepted! We are moving house, and now more than ever we need to take that break!! So with that in mind, we are doing it. This will be our last episode until the 7 October 2020.

We hope you enjoy it and that it encourages you to let go of the shoulds and take those breaks when you need them!

A few things we talk about:

  • Being proactive and taking a break before you burn out.

  • The amazing response to last week’s episode, where Richie shared his story and spoke about supporting me and changing his attitude towards masculinity.

  • The dangers of being a driven person who always needs a project. Hello new house!

  • Where our studio will be when we move house. This includes our current thoughts on working offsite vs. working from home.

  • An update on our art biz plans for the remainder of the year.

Listen to the podcast now!


This month’s featured class is Braver Things. You can save 20% with the coupon AL20 up till the 19 September 2020. Click below to find out more.


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