What Makes an Artist Stand Out From the Crowd?

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Why are some artists so popular? And what about those artists that work really hard doing all the things (posting on social media, sending out newsletters, creating tutorials, exhibiting in galleries …) but barely see any growth in their audience year after year?

That’s what we are chatting about this week. To help us answer this question, Richie and I took a look at who we follow on Instagram and why. What we noticed was that there are many different ways to stand out.

From gimmicks to awe-inspiring talent, join us as we chat about what can make a difference when you are trying to be seen in a very crowded space.

We also talk about how much time it can take to get attention and whether it is even worth it? Plus we hatch a plan to interview artists that are achieving success with smaller audiences and with less focus on social media. Stay tuned for that!

We hope you enjoy the episode and it provides some food for thought on this tricky and often frustrating topic!

Listen to the podcast now!


Heather Rooney - for her awe-inspiring art
Phoebe Gander - for her encouragement, relatability and sense of humour
Jared Polin FroKnowsPhoto - for his wealth of knowledge and clear instruction


The word brand can give some creatives a pretty icky feeling. But really when you think about it - your brand is the culmination of how people feel about you and what you bring to the world. It’s emotional and powerful! The more you understand your brand, the easier it is to connect with your ideal audience and ultimately grow your creative business.

To get started building your brand, download your FREE WORKBOOK here!


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