The Art vs. Admin Battle - Managing Overwhelm and Tricky Transitions

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Ever feel like you're constantly shifting between being an artist and wearing all the other hats that come with life and work? In this episode, Richie and I dive deep into the challenge of balancing creative flow with the demands of admin, routines, and the complexities of daily transitions—from work to home, from creating to planning. We share how we've been navigating a particularly rough couple of weeks, and how that experience opened up a conversation that just needed to happen. If you've ever felt overwhelmed trying to juggle it all, this one's for you. This is a heartfelt and honest discussion on how we work through these moments, and hopefully some reassurance that you're not alone.

Here’s a few things that came up in this conversation

  • The Art of Decision-Making: We explored how overthinking can paralyze us. Sometimes, just making a decision and moving forward is the best way to break free from the "deer in headlights" syndrome.

  • Balancing Structure and Creativity: I shared my struggle with imposing too much structure on my inherently free-flowing artistic process. Finding that sweet spot between planning and spontaneity is crucial.

  • Handling Overwhelm: Life throws curveballs, like sick kids or unexpected events, that can derail our plans. We discussed strategies to stay calm and adapt when things don’t go as planned.

  • The Power of Transitions: Whether it’s a walk with my puppy or a Pilates session, finding activities that help transition between different roles and tasks can make a huge difference in maintaining balance.

  • Embracing Imperfection: We all have a tendency to tinker and strive for perfection, but sometimes it’s okay to let things be. This applies to everything from art to daily tasks.

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