Kelly Berghella - Becoming a Full-Time Artist

Kelly Berghella - Becoming a Full-time Artist


My guest today, is mixed media artist, Kelly Berghella from @bergerandstuff. Kelly recently left her marketing job to focus on her art full-time. A decision she didn’t make lightly. In fact, Kelly held onto her day job for as long as possible, all the time building the waiting list for her family portrait commissions.

With Kelly now ‘all-in’, we caught up and talked about her transition to being a full-time artist.

Tune in to hear Kelly chat about:

  • Developing a style of art that would lend itself to commission work.

  • Focusing on the ‘big picture’, to get through the times when she felt like giving up.

  • Becoming a ‘time thief’ and making the most of small snippets of time.

  • Approaching Influencers to help grow her audience.

  • Taking steps to make sure that she doesn’t become a ‘full-time hermit’.

  • Recognising that there are periods of time when you have to do the hard work and it’s not always enjoyable but that the pay-off will come.

This is a very honest and refreshing conversation with plenty of tips and just as many laughs!

Listen to the podcast now!

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Kelly Bhergella


Del Kathryn Barton -

To find out more about Kelly’s work head to her Instagram


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