Mixed Media Art Supplies for Beginners / Come shopping with me!

It's a wintry day, and I'm heading to the art shop. Come join me as I shop for a simple art kit to get started with mixed media. From paints and brushes to papers and mark-making supplies, you'll learn handy tips and tricks to help you make the most of your art supply budget.

All the supplies I mention can be purchased from Art to Art in Australia at Art to Art or via Amazon (see links below).

Art Supplies Mentioned

Canson Montval Watercolour Paper - https://geni.us/8oNYvCi
Daniel Smith Essentials Set - https://geni.us/tDXL
Daniel Smith Stella Canfield No. 2 Set - https://geni.us/FBCH
Van Gogh Watercolour Paint Set - https://geni.us/p3eGV
Princeton Real Value Brush Set - https://geni.us/X4Jr
Princeton Select Mop Brush - https://geni.us/EnJEH
Mod Podge Sealer & Glue - https://geni.us/SeFHt
Daler Rowney FW Acrylic Ink - https://geni.us/QC3HmL
Caran d'Ache Neo Color II Pastels* - https://geni.us/CyyW9
Derwent Inktense Pencils* - https://geni.us/58zzub
Posca Paint Pens - https://geni.us/Q6bAx
Golden Fluid Gold Paint - https://geni.us/BeU58

* I have linked the smallest sets of these products that I could find online. If you can go to an art shop, it is often possible to buy these supplies individually.

Online Classes Mentioned

Modern Mixed Media - https://www.laurahornart.com/modernmixedmedia

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