Art Vlog: Finding Creative Flow, Gelli Plate Printing, and a New Easel!

Welcome back to my channel! It's been a while since my last video, and that's partly because I have been busy renovating my new art studio and partly because I got caught up in wanting everything to be perfect. A surefire way to kill your creativity! But thankfully, I've learned my lesson, and I'm ready to get back into a healthy creative flow.

Join me as I settle into this new space, explore gelli plate printing, and set up a new easel to work on. I'll also be sharing my journey of using this change in my studio as a catalyst for a positive transformation in my self-care habits.

So grab a cup of tea, get cosy, and let's embrace imperfection and invite creativity in!

Art Supplies Mentioned

Note: Some of these links are Amazon affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission (at no cost to you) if you make a purchase through a link.

Mabef Easel
Gelli Plate

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