The Mid-Year Wake-Up Call: Getting Clear on Your Creative Goals

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This week, I chatted with Richie about how I had a bit of a wobble. Maybe we'll call it mid-year panic. Suddenly, I could feel the year slipping away with goals unmet. Specifically, I've been feeling blocked when it comes to making online classes. How much prep does one need to do and is a rebrand of my website colours really what I should be doing right now? Yep, it's an honest one. But it's not all doom and gloom, as my procrastination led me to watch a YouTube video, which helped me figure out the real issue at hand. Tune in to find out how I turned my mid-year panic into some mid-year progress. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed or just need a bit of motivation to stay on track, this episode is for you!

A few things you will hear about in this episode:

  1. Facing the Mid-Year Panic:

    • I opened up about my "mid-year panic" and the anxiety of not meeting my main goal of creating new online mini classes. It’s a feeling many of us know too well, especially when the year is halfway over and we can feel goals slipping away.

  2. The "Stop, Start, Continue" Exercise:

    • I discovered a fantastic mid-year reflection exercise on YouTube. It’s all about evaluating what to stop, start, and continue doing. This simple yet powerful tool helped me gain clarity on my goals and mindset.

  3. Overcoming Fear and Procrastination:

    • One major revelation was that my struggles weren’t just about time management but were rooted in fear and procrastination. Recognising this was a game-changer.

  4. Richie’s Insights on Procrastination:

    • Richie shared some brilliant thoughts on how procrastination often manifests as unnecessary tasks that distract us from our main goals. It was a real eye-opener! I am sure many of us can identify with starting procrastination projects.

  5. Mindset Shifts:

    • A pivotal conversation with Richie helped me shift my mindset. I realised that the only thing holding me back was my own perception. This change turned my dread into excitement for my creative projects and led to some practical conversations about how we could change our filming style to suit the lesson ideas I had in mind.

  6. Practical Steps Forward:

    • I shared my personal "Stop, Start, Continue" list, highlighting the importance of stopping negative self-talk, starting to build confidence, and continuing with self-care activities that boost my well-being.

Thankfully, work has now begun on some exciting new online classes! Make sure to sign up for my newsletter to stay in the loop and be the first to know when they’re released.

I hope you enjoy the episode and that it provides encouragement for your own creative journey. I’d love to hear your thoughts. How do you handle mid-year reflections? Have you ever written a "Stop, Start, Continue" list? Share your experiences in the comments at the end of this page—Richie and I love hearing from you!

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Looking for a gentle way to spark your creativity? My FREE Creative Elements Challenge is a beautiful way to get inspired and learn about colour, backgrounds, mark-making, imagery, and composition without overthinking! Even if you’ve taken it before, it’s a fun one to revisit. Click the button below to get started!



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