When Rushing in Backfires: A Re-Branding Attempt Gone Wrong

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Have you ever embarked on a creative project only to find yourself questioning your choices midway through? In this episode, I talk with Richie about my recent attempt at re-branding my website and social media. What started as a fun day of choosing new colours, fonts, and design elements quickly escalated into website chaos, leaving me questioning my artistic identity. It wasn't what I had hoped for, but I learned some valuable lessons about planning, staying true to yourself, processing feedback, and allocating time for creative projects rather than acting on a whim. While this episode focuses on branding, it's also about being mindful of what you take on and when. I hope it's encouraging and maybe provides a few laughs along the way. You've gotta love a "what-not-to-do" episode!

A few things you will hear about in this episode:

  1. The Rebranding Rollercoaster: I candidly discuss the highs and lows of my recent rebranding attempt. Spoiler alert: it didn’t go as planned! From hasty decisions to technical challenges, I share it all.

  2. Artistic Identity Crisis: Ever feel like your art style is all over the place? Lately, I've been feeling like this, as I have been prioritising experimentation over cohesiveness. I talk about the struggle of choosing a cohesive colour palette when your artwork is constantly evolving.

  3. Feedback Frenzy: Engaging with my community was both enlightening and confusing. Discover why the most popular colour palette option (scarlet red!) didn’t make the cut and how feedback can sometimes lead to more questions than answers.

  4. Design Disasters: Learn from my mistakes! I jumped into website changes without a clear strategy, leading to a chaotic mix of old and new elements. I’ll share why a mood board and mockups are your best friends in any re-branding project.

  5. Function Over Form: My new graphics looked great but when I checked in a 'contrast checker' they were deemed hard to read. This episode underscores the importance of balancing aesthetics with functionality.

  6. Procrastination Pitfalls: I reflect on how procrastination led to poor decision-making and why approaching creative projects with intention and clarity is crucial.

  7. Self-Discovery Through Setbacks: Sometimes, failing at something helps you understand what you truly value. I talk about how this re-branding attempt has been a journey of self-discovery and growth.

I hope these insights spark your curiosity and inspire you to listen to the full episode. Whether you’re a fellow artist, a creative entrepreneur, or just someone navigating the ups and downs of a creative journey, there’s something in this episode for you.

Click here to listen to the podcast on your favourite podcasting platform, and don’t forget to subscribe to get notified about new episodes.


Looking for a gentle way to spark your creativity? My FREE Creative Elements Challenge is a beautiful way to get inspired and learn about colour, backgrounds, mark-making, imagery, and composition without overthinking! Even if you’ve taken it before, it’s a fun one to revisit. Click the button below to get started!



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