Q&A with Laura Horn & Susan Nethercote (Part 1)
What was it like to create your first online course? How did you heal after a period of burnout? How important is it for artists to have multiple income streams?
Just a few of the questions that come up in this week’s Q&A style podcast episode with Susan Nethercote!
Suse was a guest on my podcast last year, but wow, a lot has happened since then. It felt so good to be able to catch up again and talk about how things have changed. From navigating a global health crisis to making online courses and muddling our way through motherhood, it’s a juicy one. In fact, it’s so juicy that we have broken the conversation into two parts!
I hope you enjoy the first installment and don’t forget to hop over and check out Suse’s Website and Instagram. Also, stay tuned for the second installment next week.
A few things covered in this episode
How Covid-19 has impacted upon our creative lives. Suse chats about shipping challenges, canceling workshops and pivoting towards digital products while I talk about taking advantage of the “forced slowdown”.
The ins and outs of making online classes. Suse takes us through the approach she took with her first online class while I share some tips from having created over 10 classes.
The juggle of making art while being a mum and how things are continually changing in this area as the needs of our children change.
Bouncing back from burnout and the strategies that have helped us, including learning how to say no, spending more time in nature, and strengthening boundaries between work and home.
The importance of multiple income streams and how to choose them mindfully.
Susan Nethercote and her gorgeous nature-inspired artwork.
Susan’s Links
Susan Nethercote Studio Insider Podcast
Susan’s Interview on the Laura Horn Art Podcast
Painting as a Practice Online Course
My Links
The Laura Horn Art Podcast
Modern Mixed Media Ecourse - opening for registration in June 2020
Free Abstract Collage Creations Class
Other Online Classes
Registration for my upcoming ECourse, Modern Mixed Media is opening soon. To be the first to know when registration opens, make sure you have added your name to the list using the link below.
Pre-register here!
Learn how to create contemporary abstracts with watercolour, collage and mixed media.
Interested in other classes? Click here to browse the class collection.
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