Janet Skates - Becoming Confident and Secure in Your Creative Expression

Janet Skates - The Laura Horn Art Podcast


Today’s guest is mixed-media artist Janet Skates. What a beautiful human. As we chatted, it truly felt like I was having coffee with an old friend!

If you are falling into comparison traps and being hard on yourself, I urge you to take a listen.

Janet Skates talks about dealing with self-doubt, getting out of creative ruts, and keeping social media in balance.

There are also great tips about transitioning to being a full-time artist, using Instagram to grow your audience, and getting started with art journaling.

After you have listened to this conversation, you will feel like you have been given a big hug! Well, at least that’s how I felt. I hope you enjoy it.

Listen to the podcast now!

The vibrant pattern-rich work of Janet Skates!

I have learned to be more gentle with myself and my practice. I have learned that some days it’s okay not to paint and some days it’s okay to paint an ugly painting.
— Janet Skates

A few things covered in this episode:

  • The evolution of Janet’s style and how it is always changing.

  • Tips for making the transition to being a full-time artist.

  • How Janet uses Instagram to reach new audiences and grow her business.

  • Dealing with self-doubt, anxiety, and creative slumps.

  • The importance of keeping social media in balance.

  • The ins and outs of Janet’s favourite supplies and creative process.

  • All about art journaling and how it can support your practice.

Listen to the podcast now!


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